



2020年2月18日豊田正嗣准教授 NIKON JOICO AWARD 2019 最優秀賞 ”JOICO”賞受賞






2019年8月7日Sung-Chul Noh助教 2019 Giarratani Rising Star Award受賞

【業績名】 Weapons of Mass Attention Direction: Competitive Dynamics of the Korean Popular Music Industry

【授与団体】Industry Studies Association(ISA)

■受賞の詳細は、Industry Studies Association HP「Frank Giarratani Rising Star Award Winners 2019 Conference」


2018年6月13日坂井建宣准教授 日本複合材料学会 第36回 林賞受賞

【業績名】 アコースティック・エミッション法による複合材料の損傷蓄積挙動評価に関する研究




■受賞の詳細は、日本複合材料学会HP「日本複合材料学会 学会賞」

■受賞の詳細は、埼玉大学HP研究トピックス一覧「日本複合材料学会 第36回林賞を受賞」


2018年6月6日坂井建宣准教授 2018 Wolfgang Knauss Young Investigator Award受賞

【受賞名】2018 Wolfgang Knauss Young Investigator Award

【授与団体】the Society of Experimental Mechanics (SEM)


■受賞の詳細は、埼玉大学HP研究トピックス一覧「2018 Wolfgang Knauss Young Investigator Awardを受賞」


2018年3月19日Richard Neal Bez 准教授 日本数学会2018年JMSJ論文賞受賞

業績題目「On sharp bilinear Strichartz estimates of Ozawa-Tsutsumi type」

この賞は、受賞年前年の Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan に掲載された論文のうち、特に優れたもの(3篇以内)の著者に贈られるものです。



2017年11月3日Richard Neal Bez 准教授・豊田正嗣准教授 平成29年度 学長表彰(学長奨励賞(教育・研究))受賞


○Richard Neal Bez 准教授・(2014年度日本数学会賞建部賢弘特別賞受賞)
○豊田 正嗣 准教授・(平成29年度文部科学大臣表彰「若手科学者賞」受賞)

■受賞の詳細は、埼玉大学HPニュース一覧 「平成29年度学長表彰(学長奨励賞(教育・研究)及び学長特別賞(みずき賞))が決定しました」


2017年6月18日津田佐知子助教  Wellcome Trust Travel Awards (18th International Congress of Developmental Biology)受賞

業績名「Structural and functional compartmentalization in cerebellar development: 4D imaging in zebrafish」

この賞は、発生生物学の発展を奨励することを目的として、International Congress of Developmental Biology (国際発生生物学会大会)において発表する若手研究者に授与されるものです。


2017年4月19日豊田正嗣准教授 平成29年度 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰若手科学者賞受賞




2016年10月29日坂井建宣准教授 日本材料学会関東支部若手活動賞受賞




2016年4月16日前田慎市助教 下記の業績題目に対して2015年度(平成27年度)日本機械学会奨励賞(研究)受賞




2014年11月12日前田慎市助教 下記の講演に対してISEM2014 The Excellent Oral Presentation Award受賞

「Experimental study on an acceleration of a projectile using a gaseous detonation」
発表日:平成26年11月12日(水) 発表場所:The Luigans Spa & Resort(福岡市) 発表形式:口頭発表


2014年9月26日ニール・ベズ准教授 下記の業績題目に対して2014年度日本数学会 日本数学会賞建部賢弘特別賞受賞

英文題目「Study of various inequalities appearing in harmonic analysis and PDE」

 ■ 受賞の詳細は 一般社団法人 日本数学会HP2014年度 日本数学会賞建部賢弘賞


2014年7月29日前田慎市助教 下記の講演に対して平成25年度衝撃波シンポジウム Best Presentation Award受賞

〇前田慎市,菅野祥一郎(埼玉大),古藤亮平(埼玉大・院),小原哲郎(埼玉大) ※〇は発表者
発表日:平成26年3月7日(金) 発表場所:青山学院大学 相模原キャンパス 発表形式:口頭発表 


2014年9月3日前田慎市助教 下記の論文業績に対して第23回 日本航空宇宙学会奨励賞受賞

Maeda, S.,Kasahara, J., Matsuo, A. & Endo T., "Analysis on thermal efficiency of non-compression type pulse detonation turbine engines," Transaction of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol. 53, No. 181, pp. 192-206, 2010.



2020年12月16日豊田 正嗣 Masatsugu Toyota 理工学研究科(分子生物)
 研究期間 2021年4月1日~5年間


研究成果最適展開支援プログラム 産学共同(育成型) 研究代表者
 研究期間 2020.12.1~2022.3.31(令和2年度~4年度)


新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)計画研究 研究代表者
 研究期間 2018.6.29~2023.3.31(平成30年度~34年度(令和4年度))


新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)公募研究 研究代表者
 研究期間 2018.4.1~2020.3.31(平成30年度~31年度(令和元年度))


若手研究 (A)  研究代表者 
 研究期間 2017.4.1~2020.3.31(平成29年度~31年度(令和元年度))


2021年4月2日川村 隆三 Ryuzo Kawamura 理工学研究科(戦略的研究部門(ライフ・ナノバイオ))
橋渡し研究プログラム 異分野融合型研究シーズ(シーズH) 
 実施期間 2022.8.1~2023.3.31(令和4年度)


 期間 2021.4.1~2023.3.31(令和3年度~令和4年度)


基盤研究(C) 研究代表者
 研究期間 2019.4.1~2022.3.31


公益財団法人 日揮・実吉奨学会 研究助成
 助成期間 2018.9.1~2019.8.31(平成30年度~令和元年度)


公益財団法人 マツダ財団 第33回マツダ研究助成
 助成期間 2017年度


2020年7月30日勝田 哲 Satoru Katsuda 理工学研究科(戦略的研究部門(X線・光赤外線宇宙物理領域))
基盤研究(B) 研究代表者
 研究期間 2021.4.1~2026.3.31(令和3年度~7年度)


挑戦的研究(萌芽) 研究代表者
 研究期間 2020.7.30~2023.3.31(令和2年度~4年度)


若手研究(B) 研究代表者
 研究期間 2016.4.1~2019.3.31(平成28年度~30年度)


2020年4月1日江幡 修一郎 Shuichiro Ebata 理工学研究科(物理)
基盤研究(C) 研究代表者
 研究期間 2020.4.1~2023.3.31(令和2年度~4年度)


2021年4月2日高橋 悠樹 Yuki Takahashi 理工学研究科(理工学研究科・数学)
若手研究 研究代表者
 研究期間 2021.4.1~2026.3.31(令和3年度~7年度)
 「パラメータに依存する Furstenberg measure の絶対連続性」


2018年4月1日前田 慎市 Shinichi Maeda 理工学研究科(機械)


若手研究(B) 研究代表者
 研究期間 2014.4.1~2017.3.31(平成26年度~28年度)


2019年1月1日ニール・ベズ Neal Bez 理工学研究科(数学)


若手研究(A)  研究代表者

研究期間 2016.4.1~2019.3.31(平成28年度~30年度)
「Conjectures associated with Brascamp-Lieb type inequalities」

研究活動スタート支援 研究代表者
 研究期間 2014.8.29~2016.3.31(平成26年度~27年度)
 「New Frontiers in Kinetic Equation Theory」


2019年4月1日津田 佐知子 Sachiko Tsuda 理工学研究科(生体制御)


 助成期間 平成30年度


公益財団法人 花王芸術・科学財団 研究助成
 助成期間 平成28年度


若手研究(B) 研究代表者
 研究期間 2015.4.1~2017.3.31(平成27年度~28年度)


自然科学研究機構 基礎生物学研究所 個別共同利用研究
 助成期間 2015.4.1~2016.3.29(平成27年度)


2019年4月1日坂井 建宣 Takenobu Sakai 理工学研究科(機械)


若手研究(A)  研究代表者
 研究期間 2017.4.1~2020.3.31(平成29年度~31年度)


JAXA航空技術イノベーションチャレンジ 受託研究
 研究期間 2016.10.19~2017.2.28


公益財団法人 日揮・実吉奨学会 研究助成
 助成期間 2014.9.1~2015.9.1(平成26年度~27年度)


若手研究(B) 研究代表者
 研究期間 2014.4.1~2017.3.31(平成26年度~28年度)


スガウエザリング技術振興財団 研究助成
 助成期間 2015(平成27年度)


2020年4月1日ノー ソン チョル Sung-Chul Noh 人文社会科学研究科(経営学)


若手研究 研究代表者 
 研究期間 2018.4.1~2020.3.31(平成30年度~31年度)
 「Non-standard(Dependent self-employed) Work in Professional Organizations and Workplace Conflict」


若手研究(B) 研究代表者
 研究期間 2016.4.1~2018.3.31(平成28年度~29年度)
 「Process of pluralistic collective action」


2020年4月1日乙須 拓洋 Takuhiro Otosu 理工学研究科(応用化学)


基盤研究(B) 研究代表者
 研究期間 2019.4.1~2023.3.31


挑戦的研究(萌芽) 研究代表者
 研究期間 2017.6.30~2019.3.31(平成29年度~30年度)


若手研究(B) 研究代表者
 研究期間 2015.4.1~2017.3.31 (平成27年度~28年度)



2019年1月21日豊田 正嗣 Masatsugu Toyota 理工学研究科(分子生物)


アグリバイオ,3(2):23 - 27 2019

バイオサイエンスとインダストリー,77(2):110-111 2019

バイオサイエンスとインダストリー,77(2):134-135 2019

日経バイオテク(902):44-46 2019

Toyota M, Furuichi T, Iida H
Molecular Mechanisms of Mechanosensing and Mechanotransduction,Plant Biomechanics:375-397 2018

Toyota M, Spencer D, Sawai-Toyota S, Wang J, Zhang T, Koo AJ, Howe GA, Gilroy S
Glutamate triggers long-distance, calcium-based plant defense signaling.Science,361:1112-1115 2018

月刊「化学」,73(11):73 2018

植物の生長調節 ,53(2):146-151 2018

Lenglet A, Jaslan D, Toyota M, Mueller M, Muller T, Schonknecht G, Marten I, Gilroy S, Hedrich R, Farmer EE
Control of basal jasmonate signalling and defence through modulation of intracellular cation flux capacity,New Phytologist ,216:1161-1169 2017

Taniguchi M, Furutani M, Nishimura T, Nakamura M, Fushita T, Iijima K, Baba K, Tanaka H, Toyota M, Tasaka M, Morita MT
The Arabidopsis LAZY1 Family Plays a Key Role in Gravity Signaling within Statocytes and in Branch Angle Control of Roots and Shoots,Plant Cell,29:1984-1999 2017

Vincent T, Canham J, Toyota M, Avramova M, Mugford S, Gilroy S, Miller A, Hogenhout S, Sanders S
Real-time In Vivo Recording of Arabidopsis Calcium Signals During Insect Feeding Using a Fluorescent Biosensor,Journal of Visualized Experiments,126 2017

Vincent TR, Avramova M, Canham J, Higgins P, Bilkey N, Mugford ST, Pitino M, Toyota M, Gilroy S, Miller AJ, Hogenhout SA, Sanders D
Interplay of Plasma Membrane and Vacuolar Ion Channels, Together with BAK1, Elicits Rapid Cytosolic Calcium Elevations in Arabidopsis during Aphid Feeding.,Plant Cell,29:1460-1479 2017

DeFalco TA, Toyota M, Phan V, Karia P, Moeder W, Gilroy S, Yoshioka K
Using GCaMP3 To Study Ca2+ Signaling In Nicotiana Species,Plant Cell Physiolgy,58:1173-1184 2017

Alvarez A, Han SW, Toyota M, Brillada C, Zheng J, Gilroy S, Rojas-Pierce M
Wortmannin-induced vacuole fusion enhances amyloplast dynamics in Arabidopsis zigzag1 hypocotyls,Journal of Experimental Botany,67:6459-6472 2016

Mori A, Toyota M, Shimada M, Mekata M, Kurata T, Tasaka M, Morita MT
Isolation of new gravitropic mutants under hypergravity conditions,Frontiers in Plant Science,7:1443 2016

Nakamura M, Toyota M, Tasaka M, Morita MT
Live cell imaging of cytoskeletal and organelle dynamics in gravity-sensing cells in plant gravitropism. Methods in Molecular Biology 1309:57-69.2015

Toyota M, Ikeda N, Tasaka M, Morita MT
Centrifuge microscopy to analyze the sedimentary movements of amyloplasts. Bio-protocol 4:e1229.2014

Gilroy S, Suzuki N, Miller G, Choi WG, Toyota M, Devireddy AR, Mittler R
A tidal wave of signals: calcium and ROS at the forefront of rapid systemic signaling. Trends in Plant Science 19:623-630.2014

Tatsumi H, Furuichi T, Nakano M, Toyota M, Hayakawa K, Sokabe M, Iida H
Mechanosensitive channels are activated by stress in the actin stress fibres, and could be involved in gravity sensing in plants. Plant Biology 16 Suppl 1:18-22.2014

Iida H, Furuichi T, Nakano M, Toyota M, Sokabe M, Tatsumi H
New candidates for mechano-sensitive channels potentially involved in gravity sensing in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biology 16 Suppl 1:39-42.2014

Tatsumi H, Toyota M, Furuichi T, Sokabe M
Calcium mobilizations in response to changes in the gravity vector in Arabidopsis seedlings: Possible cellular mechanisms. Plant signaling & behavior 9:e29099.2014

Toyota M, Ikeda N, Sawai-Toyota S, Kato T, Gilroy S, Tasaka M, Morita MT
Amyloplast displacement is necessary for gravisensing in Arabidopsis shoots as revealed by a centrifuge microscope. Plant Journal 76:648-660.2013

Toyota M, Furuichi T, Sokabe M, Tatsumi H
Analyses of a Gravistimulation-Specific Ca2+ Signature in Arabidopsis using Parabolic Flights. Plant Physiology 163:543-554.2013

Toyota M, Gilroy S
Gravitropism and mechanical signaling in plants. American Journal Botany 100:111-125.2013

Toyota M, Matsuda K, Kakutani T, Morita MT, Tasaka M
Developmental changes in crossover frequency in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 65:589-599.2011

Nakamura M, Toyota M, Tasaka M, Morita MT
An Arabidopsis E3 Ligase, SHOOT GRAVITROPISM9, Modulates the Interaction between Statoliths and F-Actin in Gravity Sensing. Plant Cell 23:1830-1848.2011

Toyota M, Furuichi T, Tatsumi H, Sokabe M
Cytoplasmic calcium increases in response to changes in the gravity vector in hypocotyls and petioles of Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Physiology 146:505-514.2008

Toyota M, Furuichi T, Tatsumi H, Sokabe M
Critical consideration on the relationship between auxin transport and calcium transients in gravity perception of Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant signaling & behavior 3:521-524.2008

Toyota M, Furuichi T, Tatsumi H, Sokabe M
Hypergravity stimulation induces changes in intracellular calcium concentration in Arabidopsis seedlings. Advances in Space Research 39:1190-1197.2007


メカノバイオロジー: 細胞が力を感じ応答する仕組み (DOJIN BIOSCIENCE SERIES) (曽我部正博 編) 化学同人:125-139 2015

Kato T, Toyota M, Tasaka M, Morita MT
Chapter 1: Mini-History of Map-Based Cloning in Arabidopsis. Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences (CAPS) Markers in Plant Biology, ed Shavrukov Y (Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA), pp 1-20 2014

Plant Morphology 24:23-32 2012
豊田正嗣, 森田(寺尾)美代, 池田憲文, 田坂昌生

JAROS 宇宙環境利用の展望:1-30 2011

生化学 82:730-734 2010
豊田正嗣, 森田(寺尾)美代


2020年3月6日川村 隆三 Ryuzo Kawamura 理工学研究科(戦略的研究部門(ライフ・ナノバイオ))


Megumi Umemoto, Ryuzo Kawamura, Hiroshi Y. Yoshikawa, Seiichiro Nakabayashi, Naritaka Kobayashi. Simultaneous atomic-resolution flexural and torsional imaging in liquid by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 59 SIII01 (2020).

Shodai Togo, Ken Sato, Ryuzo Kawamura, Naritaka Kobayashi, Makoto Noiri, Seiichiro Nakabayashi, Yuji Teramura, and Hiroshi Y. Yoshikawa. Quantitative Evaluation of the Impact of Artificial Cell Adhesion via DNA Hybridization on E-cadherin-Mediated Cell Adhesion. APL Bioengineering, 4, 016103, 8 pages (2020). (Selected as "Featured Article". Featured in Scilight)

Kenta Hatazawa, Hiroki Miyazako, Ryuzo Kawamura, Takayuki Hoshino. Start/Stop Motion Control of a Targeted Microtubule Using Virtual Cathode Display. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 514, 821–825 (2019).

Keisuke Meguriya, Shiori Kikuchi, Naritaka Kobayashi, Hiroshi Y. Yoshikawa, Seiichiro Nakabayashi, Ryuzo Kawamura. Reversible surface functionalization of motor proteins for sustainable motility. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 58, SDDI01 (2019).

Alexandre R. Loukanov, Alexei G. Basnakian, Ryuzo Kawamura, Hibiki Udono, Chavdar K. Filipov, Alena V. Savenka, Todd Fite, Seiichiro Nakabayashi. Light-Powered Nanoconverters Cytotoxic to Breast Cancer Cells. J. Phys. Chem. C, 122, 7916–7924 (2018).

Ryuzo Kawamura, Minami Miyazaki, Keita Shimizu, Yuta Matsumoto, Yaron R. Silberberg, Ramachandra Rao Sathuluri, Masumi Iijima, Shun’ichi Kuroda, Futoshi Iwata, Takeshi Kobayashi, Chikashi Nakamura. A new cell separation method based on antibody-immobilized nanoneedle arrays for the detection of intracellular markers. Nano Lett., 17, 7117–7124 (2017).


Ryuzo Kawamura, Ken-Ichi Sano, Yoshihito Osada. Chapter 40 "Employing Cytoskeletal Treadmilling in Bio-actuators" in “Soft Actuators 2nd edition (Eds. Kinji Asaka & Hidenori Okuzaki)” Springer (2019).


2020年3月12日勝田 哲 Satoru Katsuda 理工学研究科(戦略的研究部門(X線・光赤外線宇宙物理領域))


Katsuda, S., Ohno, M., Mori, K., Beppu, T., Kanemaru, Y., Tashiro, M.S., Terada, Y., Sato, K., Morita, K., Sagara, H., Ogawa, F., Takahashi, H., Murakami, H., Nobukawa, M., Tsunemi, H., Hayashida, K., Matsumoto, H., Noda, H., Nakajima, H., Ezoe, Y., Tsuboi, Y., Maeda, Y., Yokoyama, T., & Narukage, N., Inverse FIP Effects in Giant Solar Flares Found from Earth X-Ray Albedo with Suzaku/XIS, The Astrophysical Journal, 891, 126, 2020

Chiba, Y., Katsuda, S., Yoshida, T., Takahashi, K., & Umeda, H., First Detection of X-Ray Line Emission from Type IIn Supernova SN 1978K with XMM-Newton’s RGS, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, in press. 2020

Uchida, H., Katsuda, S., Tsunemi, H., Mori, K., Cumbee, R., Petre, R., Gu L., Tanaka, T., High Forbidden-to-Resonance Line Ratio of the O VII Discovered from the Cygnus Loop, The Astrophysical Journal, 871, 234 (2019)

Hitomi Collaboration, Detection of Polarized Gamma-Ray Emission from the Crab Nebula with Hitomi Soft Gamma-Ray Detector, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, Vol.70, Issue 6, id113, 2018

Katsuda, S., Takiwaki, T., Tominaga, N., Moriya, T. J., & Nakamura, K., Progenitor Mass Distribution for Core-Collapse Supernova Remnants in Our Galaxy and Magellanic Clouds Based on Elemental Abundances, The Astrophysical Journal, 863, 127, 2018

Fraschetti, F., Katsuda, S., Sato, T., Jokipii, J.R., & Giacalone, J., Vortical Amplification of Magnetic Field at Inward Shock of Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A, Physical Review Letters, 120, 251101, 2018

Hitomi Collaboration, Hitomi (ASTRO-H) X-ray Astronomy Satellite, Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 4 (2), 021402, 2018

Hitomi Collaboration, Hitomi X-Ray Observations of the Pulsar Wind Nebula G21.5-0.9, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, Vol.70, Issue 3, id.3, 2018

Hitomi Collaboration, Glimpse of the Highly Obscured HMXB IGR J16318-4848 with Hitomi, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, Vol.70, Issue 2, id.17, 2018

Hitomi Collaboration, Hitomi Observations of the LMC SNR N132D: Highly Redshifted X-Ray Emission from Iron Ejecta, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, Vol.70, Issue 2, id.16, 2018

Hitomi Collaboration, Hitomi X-Ray Studies of Giant Radio Pulses from Crab Pulsar, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, Vol.70, Issue 2, id.15, 2018

Hitomi Collaboration, Search for Thermal X-Rat Features from the Crab Nebula with Hitomi Soft X-Ray Spectrometer, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, Vol.70, Issue 2, id.14, 2018

Hitomi Collaboration, Hitomi Observation of Radio Galaxy NGC 1275: The First X-Ray Microcalorimeter Spectroscopy of Fe-Ka Line Emission from Active Galactic Nucleus, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, Vol.70, Issue 2, id.13, 2018

Hitomi Collaboration, Atomic Data and Spectral Modeling Constraints from High-Resolution X-Ray Observations of the Perseus Cluster with Hitomi, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, Vol.70, Issue 2, id.12, 2018

Hitomi Collaboration, Temperature Structure in the Perseus Cluster Core Observed with Hitomi, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, Vol.70, Issue 2, id.11, 2018

Hitomi Collaboration, Measurements of Resonant Scattering in the Perseus Cluster Core with Hitomi SXS, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, Vol.70, Issue 2, id.10, 2018

Hitomi Collaboration, Atmospheric Gas Dynamics in the Perseus Galaxy Cluster Observed with Hitomi, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, Vol.70, Issue 2, id.9, 2018

Katsuda, S., Morii, M., Janka, H.-T., Wongwathanarat, A., Nakamura, K., Kotake, K., Mori, K., Takiwaki, T., Tanaka, M., Tominaga, N., & Tsunemi, H., Intermediate-Mass-Elements in Young Supernova Remnants Reveal Neutron Star Kicks by Asymmetric Explosions, The Astrophysical Journal, 856, 18, 2018

Bamba, A., Ohira, Y., Yamazaki, R., Sawada, M., Terada, Y., Koyama, K., Miller, E.D., Yamaguchi, H., Katsuda, S., Nobukawa, M., & Nobukawa, K.K., Transition from Young to Middle-Aged Supernova Remnants: Thermal and Nonthermal Aspects of the SNR N132D, The Astrophysical Journal, 854, 71, 2018

Shimoda, J., Ohira, Y., Yamazaki, R., Laming, J.M., & Katsuda, S., Polarized Balmer Line Emissions from Supernova Remnant Shock Waves Efficiently Accelerating Cosmic Rays, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473, 1, 2018

Sato, T., Katsuda, S., Morii, M., Bamba, A., Hughes, J.P., Maeda, Y., Ishida, M., & Fraschetti, F., X-Ray Measurements of the Particle Acceleration Properties at Inward Shocks in Cassiopeia A, The Astrophysical Journal, 853, 46, 2018

Hitomi Collaboration, Solar Abundance Ratios of the Iron-Peak Elements in the Perseus Cluster, Nature, 551, 478, 2017


2018年4月1日前田 慎市 Shinichi Maeda 理工学研究科(機械)



日本燃焼学会誌, Vol. 60, No. 192, pp. 124-132, 2018.
岩田 和也, 冨田 啓太, 吉木 一秀, 前田 慎市, 小原 哲郎, 中谷 辰爾, 津江 光洋, 今村 宰, 秋濱 一弘, 山﨑 博司

日本機械学会論文集, Vol.83 No.852, No.17-00039, 2017.
前田 慎市, 及川 陽介, 星野 隆介, 小原 哲郎

日本機械学会論文集, Vol.83 No.852, No.17-00019, 2017.
前田 慎市, 吉木 一秀, 菅野 祥一郎, 冨田 啓太, 小原 哲郎

日本機械学会論文集, Vol.83 No.850, No.17-00049, 2017.
前田 慎市, 倉持 悠希, 小野 涼, 小原 哲郎

日本機械学会論文集, Vol. 83 No.846, No.16-00269, 2017. (DOI:10.1299/transjsme.16-00269)
前田 慎市, 青島 亮太, 黒澤 哲朗, 小原 哲郎

Shinichi Maeda, Shoichiro Kanno, Isshu Yoshiki, Tetsuro Obara, “Time-resolved schlieren observations of shock-induced combustion around a high-speed spherical projectile”, Science and Technology of Energetic Materials, Vol.78 No.1, pp.19-26, 2017.

Shinichi Maeda, Shohei Minami, Daisuke Okamoto, Tetsuro Obara, “Visualization of deflagration-to-detonation transitions in a channel with repeated obstacles by using a hydrogen-oxygen mixture”, Shock Waves, Vol.26 No.5, pp.573-586, 2016.

Shinichi Maeda, Shoichiro Kanno, Isshu Yoshiki, Tetsuro Obara, “Experimental study on acceleration of projectile by a gaseous detonation-driven gas gun using a light gas”, Science and Technology of Energetic Materials, Vol.77 No.4, pp.79-85, 2016.

日本機械学会論文集, Vol. 82 No. 834 (15-00503), 2016.
前田 慎市, 寺岡 拓海, 及川 陽介, 小原 哲郎, 蔭山 健介

連続した障害物を有する流路におけるデトネーション遷移過程(障害物の高さおよび間隔がDDT 過程に及ぼす影響)
日本機械学会論文集, Vol. 82 No. 834 (15-00468), 2016.
前田 慎市, 南 翔平, 岡本 大佑, 小原 哲郎

日本燃焼学会誌, Vol. 57 No. 181, pp. 222-231, 2015.
前田 慎市, 青島 亮太, 黒澤 哲朗, 市川 昌紀, 小原 哲郎

Shinichi Maeda, Satoshi Sumiya, Jiro Kasahara, Akiko Matsuo, “Scale effect of spherical projectiles for stabilization of oblique detonation waves”, Shock Waves, Vol.25 No.2, pp.141-150, 2015.

日本機械学会論文集, Vol.81 No.822 (14-00332), 2015.
前田 慎市, 菅野 祥一郎, 古藤 亮平, 小原 哲郎

Shinichi Maeda, Jiro Kasahara, Akiko Matsuo, “Oblique detonation wave stability around a spherical projectile by a high time resolution optical observation”, Combustion and Flame, Vol. 159 No. 2, pp. 887-896, 2012.

Shinichi Maeda, Jiro Kasahara, Akiko Matsuo, Takuma Endo, “Analysis on thermal efficiency of non-compressor type pulse detonation turbine engine”, Transaction of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol. 53 No. 181, pp. 192-206, 2010.


S. Maeda, S. Minami, D. Okamoto, T. Obara,“Visualization of deflagration-to-detonation transitions in a channel with repeated obstacles”, 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Paper #176, 2015.

Maeda, S., Kanno, S., Yoshiki, I. & Obara, T., “Experimental study on an acceleration of a projectile using a gaseous detonation”, The 5th International Symposium on Energetic Materials and their applications (ISEM2014)


第47回流体力学講演会/第33回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム, 2E11 (JSASS-2015-2127), 2015
Muhamad Bin Kamaruzaman, 前田 慎市, 小原 哲郎

第53回燃焼シンポジウム, B335 (pp.432-433), 2015
前田 慎市, 菅野 祥一郎, 吉木 一秀, 小原 哲郎

第52回燃焼シンポジウム 講演論文集,講演番号E215,pp.324-325, 2014
古藤 亮平, 佐藤 拓, 前田 慎市, 小原 哲郎


2019年1月1日ニール・ベズ Neal Bez 理工学研究科(数学)



Bennett, J., Bez, N., Jeavons, C., Pattakos, N., “On sharp bilinear Strichartz estimates of Ozawa-Tsutsumi type”, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. (Accepted.)

Bez, N., Jeavons, C., “A sharp Sobolev-Strichartz estimate for the wave equation”, Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences, 22, 2015, 46-54.

Bez, N., Jeavons, C., Ozawa, T., “Some sharp bilinear space-time estimates for the wave equation”, Mathematika.


Bez, N., Machihara, S., Sugimoto, M., “Extremisers for the trace theorem on the sphere”, Mathematical Research Letters. (Accepted.)

Bez, N., Saito, H., Sugimoto, M., “Applications of the Funk-Hecke theorem to smoothing and trace estimates”, Advances in Mathematics, 285, 2015, 1767-1795.

Bez, N. & Sugimoto, M., “Optimal forward and reverse estimates of Morawetz and Kato-Yajima type with angular smoothing index”, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications. (Accepted.)

Bennett, J., Bez, N. & Iliopoulou, M., “Flow monotonicity and Strichartz inequalities”, International Mathematical Research Notices. (Accepted.)

Bez, N., Jeavons, C. & Pattakos, N., “Sharp Sobolev-Strichartz estimates for the free Schrodinger propagator”, Proceedings of the 9th International ISAAC Congress. (Accepted.)

Bez, N. & Sugimoto, M., “Some recent progress on sharp Kato-type smoothing estimates”, AMS Contemporary Mathematics Series (Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems VI conference proceedings). (Accepted.)

Bez, H. & Bez, N., “A note on magnitude bounds for the mask coefficients of the interpolatory Dubuc-Deslauriers subdivision scheme”, LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, 17 (1), 226-232, 2014.

Bennett, J., Bez, N., Gutierrez, S. & Lee, S., "On the Strichartz estimates for the kinetic transport equation," Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 39(10), 1821-1826, 2014.

Bez, N. & Sugimoto, M., "Optimal constants and extremisers for some smoothing estimates," to appear in Journal d’Analyse Mathematique.

Bez, H. & Bez, N., "A note on magnitude bounds for the mask coefficients of the interpolatory Dubuc-Deslauriers subdivision scheme," London Mathematical Society Journal of Computation and Mathematics, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp. 226-232, 2014.

Bez, N. & Sugimoto, M., "Optimal constant for a smoothing estimate of critical index," Fourier Analysis, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhauser/Springer Basel AG, Basel, pp. 1-7, 2014.

Bez, N., Jeavons, C. & Pattakos, N., "Sharp Sobolev-Strichartz estimates for the free Schrodinger propagator," to appear in the Proceedings of the 9th International ISAAC Conference, 2014.

Bez, N. & Rogers, K., "A sharp Strichartz estimate for the wave equation with data in the energy space," Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 15:805-823 2013.

Bennett, J., Bez, N., Carbery, A. & Hundertmark, D., "Heat-flow monotonicity of Strichartz norms," Analysis & PDE, 2:147-158 2009.

Bennett, J. & Bez, N., "Closure properties of solutions to heat inequalities," Journal of Geometric Analysis 19:584-600 2009.

Bennett, J. & Bez, N., "Some nonlinear Brascamp-Lieb inequalities and applications to harmonic analysis," Journal of Functional Analysis 259:2520-2556 2010.

Bez, N., "Mixed-norm estimates for a class of nonisotropic directional maximal operators and Hilbert transforms," Journal of Functional Analysis 255:3281-3302 2008.


Bez, N., “Recent progress on the Brascamp-Lieb inequality and applications”, Departmental Colloquium, Seoul National University, South Korea, May 2014.

Bez, N., “The sharp trace theorem on the sphere”, Seoul National University, South Korea, May 2014.

Bez, N., “Optimal versions of the trace theorem on the sphere”, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, South Korea, May 2014.

Bez, N., “Some applications of the Funk-Hecke theorem”, 2nd East Asian Conference in Harmonic Analysis and Applications, Mudanjiang Normal University, China, July 2014.

Bez, N., “Some applications of the Funk-Hecke theorem”, International Congress of Mathematicians 2014 Satellite Conference on Harmonic Analysis, Gwangju, South Korea, August 2014.

Bez, N., “Flow monotonicity and Strichartz inequalities”, 39th Sapporo Symposium on PDEs and International Congress of Mathematicians 2014 Satellite Conference, Sapporo, Japan, August 2014.


Bez, N., “The Mizohata-Takeuchi conjecture, smoothing estimates and trace theorems”, Analysis Seminar, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, July 2015.

Bez, N., “Consequences of the Funk-Hecke theorem to smoothing and trace estimates”, 10th ISAAC Congress, Harmonic Analysis and PDE Session, The University of Macau, Macau, August 2015.


Bez, N., “The sharp trace theorem for the sphere”, Waseda University, April 2014.

Bez, N., “On the multilinear restriction problem”, University of Tokyo, June 2014.

Bez, N., “Multilinear Radon-like transforms”, Kyoto University, December 2014.

Bez, N., “Multilinear restriction estimates and Radon-like transforms”, Saitama University satellite campus, December 2014.

Bez, N., “On the multilinear restriction conjecture”, Harmonic Analysis seminar, a series of three special lectures, hosted by Yamagata University, December 2014.


Bez, N., “Recent developments in the heat-flow semigroup interpolation method”, an invited mini-course of three lectures at the International Workshop on Fundamental Problems in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, Waseda University, October 2015.

Bez, N., “Sharp bilinear estimates for the wave equation”, Workshop on Hyperbolic and Dispersive PDEs in Sendai, Tohoku University, December 2015.

Bez, N., “Applications of the Funk-Hecke theorem to smoothing and trace estimates”, Harmonic Analysis and its Applications at Matsumoto 2016, Shinshu University, February 2016.




「Harmonic Analysis, Geometric Analysis and PDE Workshop」

2014年10月30日: 埼玉大学研究機構テニュアトラック第2回シンポジウム「Modern Harmonic Analysis and Applications」


2019年4月1日津田 佐知子 Sachiko Tsuda 理工学研究科(生体制御)



Tsuda S*, Hiyoshi K, Miyazawa H, Kinno R, Yamasu K, 4D imaging and characterization of dynamic migratory behaviors and fate of neuroprogenitors in zebrafish hindbrain. (*Corresponding author) Neuroscience Letters, Vol. 690, 112-119, 2019.

Ikenoya C, Takemi S, Kaminoda A, Aizawa S, Ojima S, Gong Z, Chacrabati R, Kondo D, Wada R, Tanaka T, Tsuda S, Sakai T, and Sakata I, b-Oxidation in ghrelin-producing cells is important for ghrelin acyl-modification. Scientific Reports, Vol. 8, 9176, 2018.

Okumura K, Kakinuma H, Amo R, Okamoto H, Yamasu K, Tsuda S, Optical measurement of neuronal activity in the developing cerebellum of zebrafish using voltage sensitive dye imaging. NeuroReport, Vol. 29, 1349-1354, 2018.

Study of termination of postprandial gastric contractions in humans, dogs, and Suncus murinus: role of motilin- and ghrelin- induced strong contraction.Mikami T, Ito K, Diaz HT, Hellström PM, Mochiki E, Takemi S, Tanaka T, Tsuda S, Jogahara T, Sakata I, Sakai T.Acta Physiolgica 2017 doi: 10.1111/apha.12933.

Comprehensive analysis of target genes in zebrafish embryos reveals gbx2 involvement in neurogenesis.Nakayama Y, Inomata C, Yuikawa T, Tsuda S, Yamasu K.Developmental Biology 2017 pdoi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2017.07.015.

Anupom Mondal, Kouhei Koyama, Takashi Mikami, Taichi Horita, Shota Takemi, Sachiko Tsuda, Ichiro Sakata, Takafumi Sakai, Underlying mechanism of the cyclic migrating motor complex in Suncus murinus: a change in gastrointestinal pH is the key regulator. Physiological Reports, Vol. 5 (1) e13105, 2017.

Kim, J., Lee, S., Tsuda, S., Zhang, X., Chow, N., Namburi, P., Kee, M., Cunha, C., Gloss, B., Feng, G., Augustine, G.J.,“Optogenetic Mapping of Cerebellar Inhibitory Circuitry Reveals Spatially Biased Coordination of Interneurons via Electrical Synapses.” Cell Reports, Vol. 7(5), 1601-13, 2014.

Tsuda, S., Kee, M.Z., Cunha, C., Kim, J., Yang, P., Lowe, L.M., Augustine, G.J. “Probing the function of neuronal populations: Combining micromirror-based optogenetic photostimulation with voltage-sensitive dye imaging.” Neuroscience Research, Vol. 75 (1), 76-81, 2013.

Asrican, B., Augustine, G.J., Berglund, K., Chen, S.,, Chow, N., Deisseroth, K., Feng, G., Gloss, B., Hira, R., Hoffmann, C., Kasai, H., Katarya, M., Kim, J., Kudolo, J., Lee, L., Lo, S.Q., Mancuso, J., Matsuzaki, M., Nakajima, R., Qui, L., Tan, G., Tang, Y., Ting, J.t., Tsuda, S., Wen, L., Zhang, X. & Zhao, S., “Next-generation transgenic mice for optogenetic analysis of neural circuits,” Frontiers in Neural Circuits,Vol. 7, 1-24, 2013.

Mancuso, J.J., Kim, J., Lee, S., Tsuda, S., Chow, N., Augustine, G.J. Optogenetic probing of functional brain circuitry. Experimental Physiology, Vol. 96 (1), 26-33, 2011.

Tsuda, S., Kitagawa, T., Asakawa, S., Shimizu, N., Mitani, H., Shima, A., Tsutsumi, M., Hiroshi, H., Naruse, K., Ishikawa, Y., Takeda, H. FAK-mediated extracellular signals are essential for interkinetic nuclear migration and planar divisions in the neuroepithelium. Journal of Cell Science, Vol. 123, 484-496, 2010.

Takashima, S., Shimada, A., Kobayashi, D., …, Tsuda, S., Ooki, S., Kakihara, K., Hojo, M., Naruse, K., Mitani, H., Shima, A., Ishikawa, Y., Araki, K., Saga, Y., Takeda, H. Phenotypic analysis of a novel chordin mutant in medaka. Developmental Dynamics, Vol. 236, 298-310, 2007.

Hojo, M., Takashima, S., Kobayashi, D., ..., Tsuda, S., Ooki, S., Kakihara, K., Naruse, K., Takeda, H. Right-elevated expression of charon is regulated by fluid flow in medaka Kupffer's vesicle. Development Growth & Differentiation, Vol. 49, 395-405, 2007.


Tsuda S, Functional organization of cerebellar circuitry and its development, 第22回国際動物学会第87回日本動物学会大会合同大会, 沖縄, 2016年.

津田佐知子, 神経組織形成のしくみと小脳神経回路の機能構成, -光技術を用いて構造と機能の関係に迫る-, 名古屋大学大学院理工学研究科(アドバンス生命理学特論), 2014年6月


Tsuda S, Dynamic migration of cell populations and functional compartmentalization in cerebellar development: 4D imaging in zebrafish, 7th Asia Oceania Zebrafish Meeting, Singapore, 2016.


Miyazawa H, Maruyama K, Yamasu K, Tsuda S, Optical interrogation of cerebellar circuitry via voltage sensor imaging in zebrafish (膜電位センサーを用いた、ゼブラフィッシュ小脳神経回路の活動イメージング), 第40回日本神経科学大会, 千葉, 2017年7月.

Tsuda S, Kinno R, Miyazawa H, Yamasu K, Structural and functional compartmentalization in cerebellar circuitry development: 4D imaging in zebrafish, 第39回日本神経科学大会, 横浜, 2016年7月.

津田佐知子, 弥益恭, 小脳機能的神経回路の形成機構:ゼブラフィッシュにおけるall-optogenetic system構築の試み, 第38回日本神経科学大会, 2015年7月

Tsuda, K. Yamasu, Dynamic migratory behaviors of gbx2-expressing cells during brain compartmentalization -4D imaging in zebrafish embryos-, 48th Annual Meeting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists and Asia-Pacific Developmental Biology Network, 2015年5月


Hiyoshi K, Miyazawa H, Maruyama K, Yamasu K, Tsuda S, 3D analysis of functional development of zebrafish cerebellum, 第50回日本発生生物学会大会, 東京, 2017年5月.

Tsuda S, Hiyoshi K, Maruyama K, Miyazawa H, Kinno R, Yamasu K, Morphological and functional analysis of compartmentalization in cerebellar development, 第22回小型魚類研究会, 岡崎, 2016年8月.

王てつ, 津田佐知子, 弥益恭, ゼブラフィッシュ胚での終脳形成におけるgbx2 homeobox遺伝子の役割, 第38回日本分子生物学会年会・第88回日本生化学会大会, 2015年12月

Inomata C, Nakayama Y, Tsuda S and Yamasu K, Integrative Control of Brain Regionalization and Neurogenesis in Vertebrate Embryos. 21st Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting, 2015年9月

大貫穂乃佳, 高橋稔, 津田佐知子, 川上浩一, 弥益恭, ゼブラフィッシュ胚の脳におけるコリン作動性ニューロン発生とその制御, 第38回日本分子生物学会年会・第88回日本生化学会大会, 2015年12月

高橋一樹, 伊藤佑貴, 吉村麻美, 津田佐知子, 二階堂昌孝, 川村哲規, 弥益恭, 酸素代謝関連遺伝子による神経堤細胞の発生制御, 第37回日本分子生物学会年会, 2014年11月

大貫穂乃佳, 高橋稔, 津田佐知子, 川上浩一, 弥益 恭, ゼブラフィッシュ胚の脳原基におけるコリン作動性ニューロンシステムの発生, 第37回日本分子生物学会年会, 2014年11月

篠藤綾乃, 平一志, 高橋稔, 津田佐知子, 阿部玄武, 川上浩一, 弥益恭, GAL4/UAS遺伝子強制発現系による脊椎動物脳局所オーガナイザーの形成機構の解析, 第37回日本分子生物学会年会, 2014年11月


Nakajima, R., Tsuda, S., Kim, J. & Augustine, G.J., “Optogenetics”, “Molecular Neuroendocrinology: From genometogenome to physiology”, Wiley-Blackwell, in press.


「脳システムの作動原理とその形成―脳機能の解明に向けた多様なアプローチ」, 2016年1月


2019年4月1日坂井 建宣 Takenobu Sakai 理工学研究科(機械)



坂井 建宣, 鈴木 将士, 蔭山 健介, 分子動力学シミュレーションによるポリカーボネートの体積クリープの静水圧依存性評価, 日本複合材料学会誌, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp.26-33, 2019

Jonathon Tanks, Katherine Rader, Stephen Sharp, Takenobu Sakai, Accelerated creep and creep-rupture testing of carbon fiber laminates using the stepped isostress method, Composite Structures, Vol. 159, pp.455-462, 2017

岡田瑞生, 上田政人, 後藤健, 小林訓史, 坂井建宣, 荒井広明, 平織炭素繊維強化熱可塑性ポリイミド複合材の曲げクリープにおける時間-温度依存性,日本複合材料学会誌,Accepted

Chenye WU, Kensuke KAGEYAMA, Takenobu SAKAI, Charge Retention of Silica-Agglomerate Electret using Electrostatic Spraying at Elevated Temperatures, Advanced Experimental Mechanics,1, pp 120-125 (2016).

Kageyama, K., Iman, B. A. H., Kimura, K and Sakai, T., Detection of Cavitation in Stem of Miniature Tomato using Acceleration Sensor, Advanced Experimental Mechanics,1, pp 214-218 (2016).

Noboru HIROSHIMA, Hiroshi HATTA, Yuuichi NAGURA, Masashi KOYAMA, Takenobu SAKAI and Yasuo KOGO, Spin test of three-dimensional composite rotor using polymer ring as a connection device for high-speed flywheel, Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 1-12, 2016

Ota S, Ando S, Tozawa Y, Nakamura T, Okamoto S, Sakai T, Hase K. Preliminary study of optimal measurement location on vibroarthrography for classification of patients with knee osteoarthritis. J Phys Ther Sci., Vol. 28, pp.2904-2908, 2016

Takenobu Sakai, Satomi Suzuki and Shuichi Wakayama, Sensitivity Enhancement of FBG Sensors for Acoustic Emission Using Waveguides, Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 56, pp.1439-1447, 2016

小柳興瑶, 喜多村竜太, 松葉 朗, 河野洋輔, 中谷隼人, 坂井建宣, 荻原慎二, 熱可塑性樹脂を母材とした繊維不連続有する一方向強化 CF/PA6積層板の損傷挙動評価, 材料, Vol. 54, No. 8, pp.555-560, 2016

O.F. Pacheco-Salazar, Shuichi Wakayama, Takenobu Sakai, C. R. Ríos-Soberanis, J. V. Cauich-Rodríguez and J. M. Cervantes-Uc, Damage accumulation studied by acoustic emission in bone cement prepared with core–shell nanoparticles under fatigue, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 51, No. 12, pp. 5635-5645, 2016

Takenobu Sakai, Tomohiko Gushiken, Calros-Rolando Rios-Soberanis, Tomoki Masuko, Satoshi Matsushima, Satoshi Kobayashi, Satoru Yoneyama and Shuichi Wakayama, Fracture Behavior of Wasted Activated Carbon Powder Composites, Advanced Composite Materials, Vol. 25, Issue 4, pp. 375-384, 2016

Takenobu Sakai, Takayuki Tao and Satoshi Somiya, Estimation of creep and recovery behavior of a shape memory polymer, Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Vol. 19, pp. 569-579, 2015

坂井 建宣,飯原 靖憲,米山 聡,実験-数値ハイブリッド法を用いた繊維-樹脂界面応力解析,実験力学,Vol.15, No. 3, pp.169-174

Chenye WU, Kensuke KAGEYAMA, Takenobu SAKAI, Improvement of heat resistance of silica-agglomerate electret using electrostatic spraying, Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. 2 No. 3, p. 15-00064, 2015

O.F. Pacheco-Salazar, Shuichi Wakayama, Takenobu Sakai, J.V. Cauich-Rodríguez, C.R. Ríos-Soberanis and J.M. Cervantes-Uc, Evaluation of damage progression and mechanical behavior under compression of bone cements containing core-shell nanoparticles by using acoustic emission technique, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 46, pp.137-147, 2015.

蔭山 健介,三村 昌平,坂井 建宣,シリカ凝集体を用いたPFAフィルムエレクトレットの耐熱性向上,電気学会論文誌,Vol. 135, No. 4, pp122-128, 2014

Takenobu SAKAI, Yasunori IIHARA and Satoru YONEYAMA, Photoelastic Stress Analysis of the Fiber/Matrix Interface in a Single-Fiber Composite, 2014 Special Issue of Journal of the Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 14, pp.s213-s216, 2014

Takenobu SAKAI, Shuichi WAKAYAMA, Go KAMETANI, Katsumi YOSHIDA and Takashi AKATSU, Characterization of crack growth resistance under thermal shock on silicon nitride with various microstructure, Bulletin of JSME Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-10, 2014

C-R. Rios-Soberanis, S. Wakayama, T. Sakai, J.M. Cervantes-Uc and A. May-Pat, Evaluation of Mechanical Behaviour of Bone Cements by Using Acoustic Emission Technique, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 856, pp.246-250, 2014

Takenobu SAKAI, Satomi SUZUKI, Shuichi WAKAYAMA, Satoru YONEYAMA and Ei YAMAMOTO, Characterization of Damage Process of Rabbit Tendon by Acoustic Emission Technique in Vitro, 2013 Special Issue of Journal of the Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 13, pp.s213-s216, 2013

Takenobu SAKAI, Shuichi WAKAYAMA, E. PEREZ-PACHECO, J. RODRIGUEZ- LAVIADA and C.R. RIOS-SOBERANIS, Damage Accumulation Behavior of Non-Crimp Fabric in tension mode (static and cyclic), Advanced Composite Materials, Vol. 70, pp 231-236, 2013

Carlos Rolando Rios-Soberanis, Shuichi Wakayama, Takenobu Sakai, José de los Ángeles Rodriguez Laviada and Emilio Pérez Pacheco, Manufacture of partially biodegradable composite materials based on PLA-Tires powder: process and characterization, International Journal of Polymer Science, Vol. 2013, pp 1-8, 2013

坂井 建宣, 川畑 有紀子, 宗宮 詮, 炭素繊維強化ポリエーテルエーテルケトンの繊維および結晶化を考慮したクリープ解析, 実験力学, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp.26-32, 2012

坂井 建宣, C-R Rios Rolando, 若山 修一, NCFの曲げ挙動に及ぼすZ糸の影響, 材料システム, Vol. 30, pp.35-40, 2012

Takenobu Sakai and Satoshi Somiya, Estimating the creep behavior of polycarbonate with changes in temperature and aging time, Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp.241-249, 2012

Kosuke UMINO, Shuichi WAKAYAMA, Takenobu SAKAI, Yuka UMEHARA and Takashi AKATSU, Mechanical Properties of CNF Reinforced Ceramic Composites Sintered with SPS Technique, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 12, pp.866-872, 2011

Shuichi Wakayama, Nobuyuki Takagi, Takenobu Sakai, Masashi Ikegami and Tsutomu Miyasaka, AE Monitoring of Damage Accumulation in Transparent Conductive Oxide Film under the Mechanical Strain, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 12, pp.774-779, 2011

Takenobu Sakai, Tomohiko Gushiken, Jun Koyanagi, Rolando Rios-Soberanis, Tomoki Masuko, Satoshi Matsushima, Satoshi Kobayashi and Satoru Yoneyama, Effect of Viscoelastic Behavior on Electroconductivity of Recycled Activated Carbon Composites, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 70, pp 231-236, 2011

Takenobu SAKAI, Koichi OKABE and Satoru YONEYAMA, Effect of Powder Contents on Viscoelastic Behavior of Glass Powder Filled Epoxy Resin, 2011 Special Issue of Journal of the Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 11, pp187-191, 2011

Takenobu Sakai and Satoshi Somiya, Analysis of creep behavior in thermoplastics based on visco-elastic theory, Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp 293-308, 2011

坂井 建宣, 野溝 寿一, 宗宮 詮, 炭素繊維強化熱可塑性ポリイミドのクリープ挙動に及ぼすフィジカルエージングの影響, 実験力学, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp 401-406, 2010

坂井 建宣, 平井 悠斗, 宗宮 詮, ガラス繊維強化ポリアミドの繊維含有率及び結晶化度がクリープ挙動に及ぼす影響, 材料システム, Vol. 29, pp53-60, 2010

坂井 建宣, 隅原 晋平, 宗宮 詮, 多段荷重下におけるポリカーボネートのクリープ挙動,材料システム,Vol. 28, pp 9-14, 2010

坂井 建宣, 上野 宗一郎, 山田 幸市, 宗宮 詮, ポリアセタールの結晶状態を考慮したクリープ解析, 実験力学, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp388-394, 2009

Takenobu SAKAI and Satoshi SOMIYA, Effect of Thermal History on the Creep Behavior of Polycarbonate, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp 1193-1201, 2009

Takenobu SAKAI, Takayuki TAO and Satoshi SOMIYA, Viscoelasticity of Shape Memory Polymer: Polyurethane series DiARY®, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp480-489, 2007

坂井 建宣, 宗宮 詮, ガラス繊維強化ポリカーボネートのクリープ挙動に及ぼすフィジカルエージングの影響, 材料, Vol.56, No. 5, pp399-405, 2007

Takenobu SAKAI and Satoshi SOMIYA, Estimating Creep Deformation of Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Polycarbonate, Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp185-199, 2006


Sakai, T., Tao, T. & Somiya, S., “Time-Temperature Dependence on Shape Recovery Behavior of Shape Memory Polymer”, The 9th International Conference on the Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, p.165, 2014.

Sakai, T., Iihara, Y. & Yoneyama, S., “Observation of fiber-matrix interfacial stresses using phase-stepping photoelasticity”, Proceedings of 2014 SEM Annual Conference, Paper No. 55, 2014.

Sakai, T., Wakayama, S. & Soberanis, C.R., “Effect of Z-yarn on Damage Behavior of Non-Crimp Fabric Composites”, DURACOSYS 2014, No. 5, 2014.

Sakai, T., Kodama, K., Tozawa, Y., Ando, A., Nakamura, T., Kawada, Y., Kageyama, K., Wakayama, S., Hase, K. & Ota, S., “Development of Noninvasive Diagnosis Method for Knee Osteoarthritis using Acoustic Information”, Progress in Acoustic Emission XVII, The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection, pp.43-48, 2014.

Pacheco-Salazar, O., F., Soberanis, C.R., R., Cervantes-Uc, J., M, Wakayama, S. & Sakai, T., “Identification of the Mechanisms of Fracture on Acrylic Bone Cements Elaborated with Nano-structured Particles using Acoustic Emission Technique”, Progress in Acoustic Emission XVII, The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection, pp.79-84, 2014.

Matsuoka, F., Wakayama, S., Suzuki, S., Sakai, T. & Yamamoto, E., “Influence of Resonant Frequency of Sensor on AE Measurement of Tendon”, Progress in Acoustic Emission XVII, The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection, pp.209-213, 2014.


M&M2014 カンファレンス,OS1719, 2014
坂井 建宣,田尾 隆幸,宗宮 詮

M&M2014 カンファレンス,2014
有川 秀一,坂井 建宣,小笠原 良助,米山 聡

日本実験力学会2014年年次講演会,A031, 2014
坂井 建宣,具志堅 智彦,C-R Rios Soberanis,増子 知樹,松島 聡,小林 訓史,米山 聡,若山修一

日本機械学会2014年度年次講演会,S0420103, 2014
若山 修一,宮川 朋大,脇本 陽介,坂井 建宣,池田 潤二,宮路 史明

日本機械学会2014年度年次講演会,S0420104, 2014
李 世亮,塚田 隆允,坂井 建宣,若山 修一,吉田 克己,赤津 隆


“動的粘弾性チャートの解釈事例集”, (2016), pp.92-95

Takenobu SAKAI, Yasunori IIHARA and Satoru YONEYAMA, An Experimental-Numerical Hybrid Approach to Analysis of Fiber-Matrix Interfacial Stresses, Advancement of Optical Methods in Experimental Mechanics, Volume 3, (2015), pp.27-35, Editors: Jin, H., Yoshida, S., Lamberti, L., Lin, M.-T. (Eds.) Springer

“よくわかる実験技術・学術用語 第2版”, (2010), pp. 120-121


2014年11月7日: 埼玉大学研究機構テニュアトラック第3回シンポジウム「複合材料の実験力学」

2014年9月15日-17日: Durability Analysis of Composite Systems 2014, Local Organizing Committee

2014年5月27日-30日: Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials 2014, International Scientific Committee

2014年5月11日-14日: 1st Joint Turkey-Japan Workshop on Polymeric Composite Materials, International Scientific Committee


2020年4月1日ノー ソン チョル Sung-Chul Noh 人文社会科学研究科(経営学)



Noh, S. (2019) “The Changing Face of Work Precarity: Dependent self-employed professionals and collective response to work precarity”, Korean Journal of Industrial Relations, 29(1): 55-81

Jang, H. & Noh, S. (2019) “Precarious Creative Workers and Their Identities: A Case of Employment Stabilization of Scriptwriters in a Local Broadcasting Station”, Korean Journal of Labor Studies, 25(1): 253-298

Noh, S., Jung, H., & Lee, C. (2018) “A New Experiment or Institutional Subsumption? The Outcomes and Tasks of Contingent Worker Center for Korean Labor Movement”, Korean Journal of Labor Studies, 24(2): 137-179.

Jung, H., Noh, S. & Kim, J. (2018) “The Process of Direct Employment of Agency Workers in Public Sector and its Performance Implication: Case Study of 120-Dasan Call Center in Seoul, South Korea”, Labor Policy Review, 18(3): 107-137.

Noh, S. & Chung, S. (2018) “Non-standard Workers’ Solidarity with Standard Workers on Strike: The Case of Broadcast Professionals in KBS and MBC”, Korean Journal of Labor Studies, 24(1): 157-196.

Jung, H., Noh, S. & Kim, I. (2018) “Relative Deprivation of Temporary Agency Workers in the Public Sector: The Role of Public Service Motivation and the Possibility of Standard Employment”, Human Resource Management Journal, https://doi.org/10.1111/1748-8583.12186.

Noh S. & Yu K-H (2017). Of Conquests and Exodus: Settlements and the Institutionalization Process. Academy of Management Proceedings. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2017.13255abstract

Jung, H., Noh, S. & Kim, I. (2017) “Relative Deprivation of Temporary Agency Workers in the Public Sector: The Role of Public Service Motivation and the Possibility of Standard Employment”, Human Resource Management Journal, forthcoming.

Noh, S. & Chung, S. (2016) “Post-strike Abusive HR Processes and its implication in Professional Organization” Korean Academy of Management Proceedings Meeting Proceedings 2016, 1-28.

Jung, H., Noh, S., & Chung, S. (2016) “Maximizing the Benefits of Internationalization: The Moderating Role of Labour Flexibility.” Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations. 71(2), 81-99

Lee, M. D, Zikic, J., Noh, S., & Sargent, L. (2016) “Human Resource Approaches to Retirement: Gatekeeping, Improvising, Orchestrating, and Partnering.” Human Resource Management.

Jung, H. and Noh, S. (2015) “Triangular Relationships in the Internationalized Market: the Mediating Role in Functional Labor Flexibility”. E-Trade Review. 13(3), 91-111

Vough, H. C., Bataille, C., Noh, S. & Lee, M. D. (2015) “Going Off Script: How Baby Boomer Managers Make Sense of the Ending of Their Careers.” Journal of Management Studies, 52(3), 414-440.


Vough, H. C. & Noh, S. (2015) Development and outcomes of status configurations in cross-functional teams across episodes. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, August 7-11, 2015

Noh, S. (2015) “Exploring Strike Outcomes in Pluralistic Organizations” The III International Conference Strikes and Social Conflicts, Barcelona, June 16-19 2015

Noh, S. & Chung, S. (2015) “Workplace Conflict: The Role of In-house Occupational Associations as an Alternative Collective Voice.” LERA 67th Annual Meeting, May 26-29, 2015, Pittsburg, PA

Noh, S. & Jung, H. (2015) “Local Worker Centers’ Role in Organizing Non-Standard Workers” Korean Association of Labor Studies Annual Meeting, Chung-Ang University, Korea.

Chung, H. & Noh, S., "Maximizing the Benefits of Internationalization: The moderating Role of Labor Flexibility", The 9th International Conference on Business and Management Research, 24-25th October 2014 at Kyoto University GSM (GSM-KU), Kyoto, Japan, 2014.

Noh, S., "Conflict Dynamics between Grievances and Collective Actions: Implications for Grievance Resolution", Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, August 1-6, 2014.

Noh, S., "Occupational Identity and Competing Narratives on Corporate Scandals", Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, August 1-6, 2014.

Noh, S. & Hebdon, R. P., "Unbundling Workplace Conflict: Developing a Theory Of Conflict Mobilization", Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, August 2-8, 2013.

Chung, H. & Noh, S., "Relative Deprivation and Non-Standard Work Arrangement in Public Sector", Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, August 2-8, 2013.

Noh, S., "Making Sense of a Corporate Scandal - Empirically Exploring Employee's Sensemaking Process of Disruptive Organizational Events", 5th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, Crete, Greece, June 20-22, 2013.

Noh, S., "Making Sense of a Corporate Scandal. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management", Boston, Massachusetts, August 3-7, 2012.


2020年4月1日乙須 拓洋 Takuhiro Otosu 理工学研究科(応用化学)


Takuhiro Otosu, Kunihiko Ishii, and Tahei Tahara
“Multifocus Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy with Spatially Separated Excitation Beams”
Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 92, 1495-1502 (2019).

Takuhiro Otosu and Shoichi Yamaguchi
“Reduction of glass-surface charge density slows the lipid diffusion in the proximal leaflet of a supported lipid bilayer”
J. Chem. Phys. 151, 025102 (2019).

Takuhiro Otosu and Shoichi Yamaguchi
“Total Internal Reflection Two-dimensional Fluorescence Lifetime Correlation Spectroscopy”
J. Phys. Chem. B 122, 5758-5764 (2018).

Takuhiro Otosu and Shoichi Yamaguchi
“Quantifying the Diffusion of Lipids in the Proximal/Distal Leaflets of a Supported Lipid Bilayer by Two-Dimensional Fluorescence Lifetime Correlation Spectroscopy” J. Phys. Chem. B 122, 10315-10319 (2018).

Takuhiro Otosu and Shoichi Yamaguchi
“Two-Dimensional Fluorescence Lifetime Correlation Spectroscopy: Concepts and Applications”
Molecules 23, 2972 (2018).

Takuhiro Otosu, Kaito Kobayashi and Shoichi Yamaguchi
“Local pH at the surface of hen egg white lysozyme”
Chemical Physics Letter 693, 165-169 (2018) DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2018.01.026

Takuhiro Otosu, Shoichi Yamaguchi
“Communication: Development of Standing Evanescent-Wave Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy and its Application to the Lateral Diffusion of Lipids in a Supported Lipid Bilayer”
The Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 041101 (2017)
DOI: 10. 1063/1.4985871

Takuhiro Otosu, Kunihiko Ishii, Hiroyuki Oikawa, Munehito Arai, Satoshi Takahashi, and Tahei Tahara
“Highly Heterogeneous Nature of the Native and Unfolded States of the B Domain of Protein A Revealed by Two-Dimensional Fluorescence Lifetime Correlation Spectroscopy”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2017, 121, 5463-5473
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b00546

Otosu, T., Ishii, K. & Tahara, T.
“Microsecond protein dynamics observed at the single molecule level”
Nature Communications 6, 7685, 2015

Otosu, T., Ishii, K. & Tahara, T.
“Simple Calibration of the Counting-rate Dependence of the Timing Shift of Single Photon Avalanche Diodes by Photon Interval Analysis”
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 84, 036105, 2013

Otosu, T., Nishimoto, E. & Yamashita, S.
“Multiple Conformational State of Human Serum Albumin around Single Tryptophan Residue at Various pH Revealed by Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy”
Journal of Biochemistry, 147(2), 191-200, 2010

Otosu, T., Nishimoto, E. & Yamashita, S.
“Fluorescence Decay Characteristics of Indole Compounds Revealed by Time-resolved Area-normalized Emission Spectroscopy”
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 113, 2847-2853, 2009

Fukunaga, Y., Nishimoto, E., Otosu, T., Murakami, Y. & Yamashita, S.
“The Unfolding of α-Momorcharin Proceeds Through the Compact Folded Intermediate”
Journal of Biochemistry, 144, 457-466, 2008

Otosu, T.,. Nishimoto, E. & Yamashita, S.
“Spectrally and Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopic Study on Melittin–Calmodulin Interaction”
Journal of Biochemistry, 142, 655-661, 2007

Fukunaga, Y., Nishimoto, E., Yamashita, K., Otosu, T. & Yamashita, S.
“The Partially Unfolded State of β-Momorcharin Characterized with Steady-state and Time-resolved Fluorescence Studies”
Journal of Biochemistry, 141, 9-18, 2007






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